Levenstein distance, fuzzy measure, erroneous, operation price, operatorAbstract
The article is devoted to solving the current scientific and technical problem of improving the assessment of the erroneous actions of an operator. The fuzzy nature of the erroneousness of the actions results and the actions sequence of an operator was substantiated. The possibilities of formal analysis of data of cognitive nature are considered. Application of fuzzy approach to the structural analysis of time series of cognitive factors based on clustering of fuzzy averages and fuzzy sets of the second type is justified. The scheme of realization of the fuzzy approach is modified by the method of determining the number of clusters and methods for determining the level of fuzzy for the algorithm of fuzzy mean clustering. To determine the fuzzy measure of the error actions sequence, the Levenstein distance was modified. Fuzzy prices of insert, delete and replace operations were defined. The conditions of application were determined and the validity of the restrictions on the application of the fuzzy Levenstein distance was verified.
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